
Monday, December 29, 2003

Predictions/Forecasts Made in the 1980's

The following are forecasts made in the late 1980's from some of the best astrologers and psychics in the world at that time. I felt that, now that we are living well into the 21st Century, it would be interesting to go back and read what those forecasts were and just how accurate or inaccurate they actually were or are. In any case, the following may either increase or diminish your belief in the idea whether mere mortal man have the power to forecast our future.

Forecast #1: Due to the increasing rate of extinction, zoos will serve as "Noah's Archives," collecting not only species, but cataloging genetic materials to save plant and animal species for possible reestablishment or use in medicine.

Forecast #2: As the demand for transplantable organs exceeds the supply, the stealing of kidneys, hearts and other organs may become a major issue. "Organ legging" may become as lucrative for criminals as bootlegging was in the 1920's.

Forecast #3: Mind-reading computers will be able to pick up your thoughts and place them before you on a computer screen--the ultimate in data entry.

Forecast #4: The burgeoning health-insurance crisis will lead to "health wars" in which activities for one disease (such as breast cancer) will challenge the emphasis placed on another (such as AIDS).

Forecast #5: Shoppers of the future will carry personal-preference cards - smart cards that carry dimensions of your living room so you can order drapes, your exact measurements for your next suit, even the color of the last tie you purchased to allow for color coordination.

Forecast #6: The produce section of your grocery store may soon be a hydroponic greenhouse where you'll pick your own produce right off the vine - at the peak of ripeness and free of pesticides.

Forecast #7: As much as 60% of the world's coral reefs could be lost in the next 20 to 40 years. Like rain forests, reefs are home to a broad diveristy of species that offer the potential for new medicines as well as food.

Forecast #8: By the year 2000, the average car will be mostly plastic and will last an average of 22 years.

Forecast #9: The economy of Japan, envied worldwide today, is in for a period of turmoil and decline during the 1990's. Subsequently, Japan will not regain its current overpowering presence in world trade in the foreseeable future.

Forecast #10: "Electronic immigrants" could become a hot international trade issue by the late 1990's. These new service workers who "telecommute" across borders via computers will perform a variety of services electronically and compete against workers in affluent countries.

Forecast #11: By the year 2000, 52% of the world's people will reside in urban centers. That number may leap to 90% by the end of the twenty-first century.

Forecast #12: A worldwide economic collapse is extremely likely in the next few years (in the 1990's). Those unprepared my stand naked before a crisis unseen in the U.S. since the Civil War.

Forecast #13: NASA plans the first flight of the National Aero-Space Plane during the 1990's. A short ten years from now, NASA scientists believe, civilian aerospace vehicles will travel at Mach 12 and carry travelers half-way around the world in two hours.

Forecast #14: In the mid-1990's, the Roman Catholic Church will be exposed as the "whore" of all pagan religions due to a scandal that will rock the churches foundation world-wide. Religious scholars are basing this prediction of what is better known as "end-time" revelations from the actual Bible - "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself (the Pope) above all that is called God, or that is worshipped...And then shall that wicked be revealed..." 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4,8.

Forecast #15: The State of California will suffer a major earthquake, one so major and catastrophic that scientists will not have time to warn of it's occurence. It will shake the earth away from the Orgeon and California borders and will cause the Alaska pipe line to burst with such power and intensity, that huge tital waves will rise so high into the sky, that the State of Kentucky will feel the mist from the Pacific Ocean and people will stand in water knee-deep downtown Los Angeles. It will also cause a nation-wide power outage that will result in the sky being darkened for atleast 30-40 days; and the lawlessness of looters, murders and damages from the quake will result in atleast a 3rd of the U.S. population to either be listed as missing or dead.

Forecast #17: By year 2000, money will have become a secondary source of purchasing goods. Many nations will have adopted a method of identification by inserting computer chips in the finger or by using computer cards that will automatically deduct money from checking accounts in banks. There will also be a serge of a unified dollar system that many countries will adopt which will play a major role in ushering in the concept of a one-world government and will most likely start in Europe.

In closing, whether we are on the threshold of a Golden Age or on the brink of a global cataclysm that will extinguish out what civilization is, I believe, not only unknowable, but is also undecided. The decision, however, will emerge through what we do in the years ahead, for each of us will create a piece of the common future of all mankind. We can do nothing to change the past, but we have enormous power to shape the future. And, once we grasp that essential insight, we recognize our responsibility and capability for building our dreams for a tomorrow and avoiding our nightmares. But, religious scholars, who know much better than I, will argue that point and rest their beliefs on the simple idea that God's Word - the Revelations of John the Divine in the New Testament - will ultimately determine our future and/or fate no matter what we do. THE END.

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